EEB is harnessing the power of ecology and evolutionary biology to develop solutions to global challenges.

EEB is harnessing the power of ecology and evolutionary power to develop solutions to global challenges.

EEB is harnessing the power of ecology and evolutionary power to develop solutions to global challenges.

EEB is educating the next generation of scholars, professionals and citizens for the biological, environmental and biotechnological challenges of the future.

EEB is educating the next generation of scholars, professionals and citizens for the biological, environmental and biotechnological challenges of the future.

EEB is educating the next generation of scholars, professionals and citizens for the biological, environmental and biotechnological challenges of the future.

EEB is an intellectual hub that bridges fundamental and applied life sciences.

EEB is an intellectual hub that bridges fundamental and applied life sciences.

EEB is an intellectual hub that bridges fundamental and applied life sciences.

EEB is answering fundamental questions in ecology and evolutionary biology.

©Alexa Sadier

EEB is answering fundamental questions in ecology and evolutionary biology.

EEB is answering fundamental questions in ecology and evolutionary biology.

opportunities beyond the classroom

students can choose to do field research in our Field or Marine Biology Quarter, take part in our annual Biology Research Symposium or get involved with research with our amazing faculty!

creative and highly interactive, intellectual environment

students are prepared to excel in positions in academia, industry, and governmental / non-governmental organizations.



diverse faculty interests

world class faculty study a wide spectrum of research areas including, Behavior, Conservation Biology, Developmental Biology, Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, Marine Biology, Paleobiology, Plant Biology, Physiological Ecology, Theory, and Tropical Biology.


James Lloyd-Smith

I am interested in the ecology and evolution of infectious diseases, and I build mathematical models of disease spread and test them against epidemiological data to better understand disease dynamics. From HIV to pandemic influenza, most infectious diseases of humans originate in other animal species, and many (like rabies or West Nile virus) cross the animal - human boundary all the time.

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In Memoriam: Distinguished Professor, Bob Wayne

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EEB Distinguished Research Professor, Tom Smith, elected to American Academy of Arts and Sciences

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EEB graduate student, Ary Amaya's work on Indigenous-led reforestation in LA gets spotlight in UCLA Newsroom

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May 29, 2024
EEB Graduate Students
EEB Graduate Student Exit Seminar Symposium

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La Kretz Center
Multiple Speakers
3pm Boyer Hall, Room 159
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May 18, 2024
Botanical Garden Festival

10AM - 4PM 707 Tiverton Drive
Clarkia Festival


Contact Us

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Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
612 Charles E. Young Drive East
Hershey Hall
Room 120
Los Angeles, California 90095

Undergraduate Office

Graduate Office

The UCLA Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology acknowledges the Gabrielino/Tongva peoples as the traditional land caretakers of Tovaangar (the Los Angeles basin and So. Channel Islands). As part of a California land grant institution, we pay our respects to the Honuukvetam (Ancestors), ‘Ahiihirom (Elders) and ‘Eyoohiinkem (our relatives/relations) past, present and emerging.

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